İngilizce Grammer Sınavı Örnek


İngilizce Grammer Sınavı Örnek Alıştırmalar

 1 –  Proficiency Sınavı ( Proficiency Sınavı için Bireysel – Özel Ders )
2 –  Proficiency Sınavı ( Proficiency Sınavı için 4 kişilik Gruplarla Ders )

Bütün Üniversitelerin Proficiency Sınavlarına iştirak etmek için Hazırlanan Öğrenciler,Girecekleri Sınavın Yapılış Şekline Uyumlu bir Şekilde Garantili Olarak teke tek Özel Derslerle yada 4 kişilik Gruplarda yetiştirilir.

1 ) ……………….. searing and the Maillard Reaction are important to the final flavor of a piece of beef, the degree of doneness is also important.
A) While B) Even though C) By the time D) Because E) As long as

2 ) ………………. bacterial fossils exist, such as stromatolites, their lack of distinctive morphology prevents them from being used to examine the history of bacterial evolution, or to date the time of origin of a particular bacterial species.
A) By rhe time B) As much as C) Unless D) Although E) Even if

3 ) Genes can also be transferred by the process of transduction, …………. the integration of a bacteriophage introduces foreign DNA into the chromosome. A) whereby B) when C) where D) whether E) by which

4 ) Identification of bacteria in the laboratory is particularly relevant in medicine, ………………the correct treatment is determined by the bacterial species causing an infection. A) that B) which C) what D) why E) where

5 ) …………….. with bacterial classification, identification of bacteria is increasingly using molecular methods.
A) Before B) After C) As D) Even if E) As much as

6 ) ……………. their apparent simplicity, bacteria can form complex associations with other organisms.

A) As much B) Owing to C) Due to D) Since E) Despite

7 ) If  bacteria …………. a parasitic association with other organisms, they ……………. as pathogens.
A) form / are classed B) will form / are classed C) form / would be  classed D) had formed / would have been classed E) formed / were classed

8 ) Antibiotics are used both in treating human disease and in intensive farming to promote animal growth, …………… they may be contributing to the rapid development of antibiotic resistance in bacterial populations.
A) whether B) which C) where D) that E) of which

9 ) …………….. their ability to quickly grow and the relative ease with which they can be manipulated, bacteria are the workhorses for the fields of molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry.
A) Regardless of B) Behalf of C) In spite of D) In case of E) Because of

10 ) ……………… it was known in the nineteenth century that bacteria are the cause of many diseases, no effective antibacterial treatments were available.
A) Though B) By the time C) Before D) After E) As long as




1 ) A 2 ) D 3 ) B 4 ) E 5 ) C 6 ) E 7 ) A 8 ) C 9 ) E 10 ) A